
Thursday, November 10, 2011

How do I start?

The hardest part of a project for me is getting started......where do I begin?  What do I write about?  Can I continue this on a regular basis?  Will anyone want to read this?  Will I insult or embarass someone? Will I make a mistake???  Ok, in reality that last question is the most daunting, at least for me!

Whew!  Now that I have all those fears out of the way - here I go!

My intent for this blog is to connect with family members and share our history.  I'll be asking others to share their knowledge so we can get a whole picture - such as Kelly, with his extensive Civil War research and Mary Alice with her knowledge about our American Revolution ancestors.  I would like to share others' stories about their family members.

Please feel free to contact me and share your stories, pictures or anything else you want to pass on to the family.

I also want to be considerate of other family members' security issues.  If anyone has concerns about putting this out there in the world wide web, let me know and I can make the blog by invitation only or at least not put anything on the blog that living relatives would object to.

I've put an e-mail subscription option on the right side of the blog.  If you think you'll forget to check the blog often, enter your e-mail address and you'll receive an e-mail each time a new post is published.


  1. Great beginning, Tanya. Thanks for all your hard work. Can you post the link to my blog on this site? Let me know how you do it.

  2. Claudia RogersNovember 11, 2011

    Congrats on getting this started. I look forward to reading all the stories and seeing all the pictures that will soon be posted here. In the meantime, I will be thinking about a story from my branch of the family to share.
