
Friday, February 17, 2012

Millers in Love - Mary Kathaleen Miller and Roger Bruce Simmons

As I was getting ready to write this post about my parents, Bruce and Kat, I realized I didn't really know about their courting or wedding days.  Be sure to ask your own parents about their courtship before it's too late!!

It was a gorgeous day in west Florida in May, 1953, when Mom and Dad tied the knot.  Both being raised in Vernon, Mom and Dad knew of each from their school days, but since Dad was a few years older, they didn't run in the same circles and had never dated. 

Dad had already joined the Navy and was stationed at Milton;  Mom was still in school.  Dad was home one weekend when he and his friends had gone to a school basketball game where Mom was cheerleading.  She noticed him and mentioned to a girlfriend she thought he was really cute and would like to date him.

Shortly after, Dad's brother, Skeet, who was in Mom's class, set up a date for them.  Unfortunately, Dad never arrived.  Because there were no phone lines out in the country (where Mom lived), he couldn't call her to tell her he couldn't get off the base that night.  He called Skeet and asked him to drive out to the country and tell her.  When he got there, Mom was ready to go but didn't have a date.  Mom's not one to pass up a good time so she just went out with Skeet and his friends.

Several weeks later, Mom had to go to town for an errand for her father and she saw Dad at McFatter's store. They talked a few minutes and scheduled another date.

After several months of dating, they knew they were destined to marry.  The big day was May 31, 1953 at the New Hope Methodist Church in New Hope. 

The ceremony was held at the New Hope Methodist Church in New Hope.  Mom's sister, Louise, was the maid of honor.  When I asked about the best man, Mom couldn't remember who it was.  The ceremony was officiated by Brother Guy.   There was no reception or honeymoon.  After the wedding they went to their folks' homes to say goodbye, changing their clothes and getting their suitcases.  Mom also mentioned that when they went to Dad's parent's house, Granny Simmons had baked a cake to take with them (I'll almost bet it was a coconut cake!!) 

A copy of their Marriage License lists the witnesses as Mrs. J. C. Guy and James Kenneth McFatter.

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